Invitation of youths: contribute to the protection and dissemination of Tamil cultural heritage

Tamil youths in Norway is inviting everyone who is interested in writing Tamil-Norwegian local history at

They invite interested people to develop academic skills and social skills such as personality development and social involvement through involving in recording the history and culture of Diaspora Tamils. They also express that this is a good platform to meet different cultures to reflect the history and culture of Tamils ​​as part of Norwegian history and heritage.

Norway Radio Tamil. 26.10.2021. Bergen, Norway.

Tamil Murasam. 10.10.2021. Oslo, Norway

The website, is a site with wiki technology. The website was started in 2007 and is administrated by the Norwegian Local History Institute at the National Library of Norway. Thus, it is a Norwegian state administrated wiki site. But all the content at the is created through voluntary work and participatory contribution by the Norwegian public. And the staff of the Norwegian Local History Institute provide guidance and help.


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